Falls can be dangerous, especially for older adults with Alzheimer's disease (a condition affecting memory and thinking). This study wants to see if people with mild Alzheimer's can learn to avoid falls through a special kind of exercise called perturbation training (training to handle sudden movement changes). Participants will walk on a treadmill that suddenly changes speed or direction, which helps them practice staying balanced.
The study has two groups: one receives the training, and the other does not. Both groups will experience these movements on the ground right after training, and then again three and six months later. Researchers will track how often each person falls over six months to see if the training helps reduce falls.
Participation Requirements: You must be 65 or older, diagnosed with Alzheimer's, and able to walk and stand alone. You should not have tried this training before or have certain health conditions like low or high blood pressure.
- Study lasts for six months.
- Includes multiple visits for training and testing.
- No mention of compensation provided.