HN-STAR is a new tool for people who survived head and neck cancer. After cancer treatment, they can have ongoing health issues. This tool helps both the patient and the doctor during routine visits. Before the visit, patients answer questions on a computer or tablet about their symptoms. At the clinic, the doctor sees suggestions on how to help with these symptoms. Together, they decide what to do next, like tests or new medications. A care plan is made and given to both the patient and their main doctor. Patients check in again using HN-STAR from home or clinic at 3, 6, and 9 months to update their care plan. The study compares this method to usual care to see if it improves patients' well-being over one year.
- Participants should be adults and free of disease, having completed treatment within the last 24 months.
- The study involves three check-ins over nine months, using a computer or tablet.
- The HN-STAR tool is currently available only in English.