This study wants to see if a special kind of light called gamma light is safe and helpful for people with Parkinson's disease who have a walking problem called Freezing of Gait (FOG). FOG makes it feel like your feet are stuck to the floor and can cause falls. The study involves wearing glasses and headphones for 1 hour every day, which provide light and sound. Gamma light might help reduce a protein called amyloid in the brain, which is linked to FOG. Amyloid forms between brain cells in diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Participants can also choose to have tests like lumbar punctures (a procedure to collect fluid from the spine) and a brain test called an electroencephalogram (EEG).
- The study lasts about 7 months, with an optional extension up to 18 months.
- Participants must visit the clinic for some tests and can be from Emory University clinic.
- It's important to be ready for blood tests and possibly lumbar punctures.