The study is about Early-onset Alzheimer's Disease (EOAD), which is a type of memory loss that affects people younger than 65. This is a non-treatment study, meaning no medicine is given. Instead, it looks at how the disease changes over time. Participants are divided into three groups: those with EOAD, those with memory problems not due to Alzheimer's, and those with normal memory.
About 850 participants with memory problems and 100 with normal memory will join the study at 20 places in the U.S., plus more people at 5 sites outside the U.S. People with memory problems will be in the study for at least 4 years, while those with normal memory will participate for at least 2 years. They will have tests to check memory, brain scans, and might give a sample of their spinal fluid.
- Study lasts 48+ months for memory-impaired, 24+ months for normal memory.
- Participants undergo brain scans and cognitive tests; no drugs are provided.
- Optional autopsy donation after passing.
To join, you need to be between 40-64 years old and have a partner who knows your daily activities.