Biologic Abatement and Capturing Kids' Outcomes is a study for children aged 8 to 21 who have juvenile spondyloarthritis (SpA), a type of arthritis affecting the spine. The study examines reducing or stopping TNFi (tumor necrosis factor inhibitor) therapy, a medication that helps control inflammation. Eligible kids must have had no disease activity for at least six months while on TNFi. The study is 12 months long, with check-ups every 3 months. Kids will be randomly placed in one of three groups: continuing the same TNFi dose, taking longer breaks between doses, or stopping TNFi. After 12 months, if no disease flare-ups occur, treatment plans can be adjusted with the doctor. Kids will be followed for 24 additional months to check long-term effects. The study excludes those with conditions like inflammatory bowel disease or uncontrolled uveitis.
- Study length: 12 months, with follow-up for 24 months.
- Check-ups every 3 months.
- Eligibility: Kids aged 8-21 on TNFi with no active disease for 6 months.