This study is about using a Smart Water Bottle to help college students drink more water. Many people don't drink enough, which can lead to health problems like obesity, diabetes, and kidney issues. These special bottles use mHealth technology (mobile health tech) to track how much water you drink and remind you to drink more. The goal is to see if these bottles help college students develop good drinking habits. Participants will also keep an eye on their morning urine color, thirst, and weight as simple ways to check their water intake.
- Study Length: Participants will track their water intake daily.
- Requirements: You must drink less than recommended fluid amounts and have a compatible cell phone.
- Compensation: Participation may offer insights into your hydration habits.
If you drink less than the recommended amount (less than 2.5 liters for males and 2.0 liters for females) and have a phone to use the Smart Water Bottle app, you can join. However, if you're trying to change your weight, have digestive surgery, take certain medications, or are pregnant, you cannot participate.