This study aims to find the best dose of a medicine called CD388 that helps prevent the flu in adults who are healthy and not at risk for flu complications. CD388 will be compared to a placebo, which is a treatment with no active medicine, to see how safe it is and how well it works. Participants will receive one dose through three shots under the skin, known as subcutaneous (SQ) injections.
To take part, you must be 18-63 years old and in good health. You should not have conditions like asthma or diabetes that make flu complications likely. Participants should agree not to donate blood or sperm and use effective birth control if needed.
Key Points:
- Study Duration: Participants will be involved for 32 weeks after getting the study drug.
- Visits: Regular visits will be needed for check-ups and tests throughout the study.
- Risks: Possible side effects from the injections and the study drug, but safety will be closely monitored.