This study is collecting information from 600 patients with brain tumors who have had surgery and a treatment called STaRT (GammaTiles). STaRT involves placing special tiles in the brain during surgery to help control the tumor. The study will track patients' health and well-being for up to 5 years. Researchers will look at how well the treatment works, how long patients live, and any side effects. They will collect information at specific times: 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24 months, then every 6 months after that. This study helps doctors compare STaRT to other treatments. Patients who can join the study must have had surgery to remove as much of the tumor as possible and had GammaTiles placed. They must be able to sign a consent form and do all the tests needed. However, if a person cannot do certain brain tests, has serious health problems, or cannot speak English well enough for the tests, they cannot join.
- The study lasts up to 5 years with regular check-ups.
- Participants must have had surgery and GammaTiles treatment.
- Information collected will help compare STaRT with other treatments.