Study Location: This study takes place in a few hospitals including the University of California San Francisco, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, and Duke University.
Purpose: The study is about using a special tool called Transcranial Doppler (TCD), which is a safe device that helps doctors watch how blood moves in the brain. It's mainly for people with brain injuries like a stroke or brain bleed. The study aims to understand brain signals better and create tools for future brain care.
What Happens: If you join, doctors will record brain blood flow signals for 60 minutes. This study does not give treatment but collects data to help create new brain monitoring devices.
- Length: Each session lasts up to 60 minutes.
- Eligibility: You must be 18 or older and use an ICP (intracranial pressure) device.
- Risks: People with unstable health or skull issues may not participate due to safety concerns.