This study is about understanding how our brain helps us move around places we see, like our bedrooms, without bumping into things. To find out more, researchers use a technique called repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). This method temporarily changes how certain parts of the brain work in healthy adults. During the study, people see pictures of places (like kitchens or living rooms) and do simple computer or physical tasks. rTMS is a tool that uses magnetic pulses to explore how certain brain areas affect what we do. The focus is on a brain area called the occipital place area (OPA), which helps us navigate spaces we see. This study aims to understand if the OPA is crucial for moving around in familiar environments. This could help people who have trouble navigating due to eye or brain problems. Participants should have normal vision but can't join if they have metal in their body, a history of seizures, brain injury, or are on certain medications.
- The study involves using rTMS which is safe, but some people may feel mild discomfort.
- You must visit the lab multiple times to complete tasks with and without rTMS.
- There is no mention of compensation for participants.