Study Purpose: This study compares two devices, the Solitaire and Embotrap, used to treat a kind of stroke called acute ischemic stroke (AIS). AIS happens when a blood clot blocks a large blood vessel in the brain. The study checks which device is better at removing the clot in the first try, called first pass reperfusion. It will also look at how quickly treatment is given, the results for patients, and any bleeding issues after treatment.
Study Details: The study takes place in two hospitals and will involve 418 patients over about 24 months. It will gather information such as the device used, the time taken for different steps, and the patients' quality of life 90 days after the stroke.
Who Can Join: People who had an AIS and can use either device to remove the clot. They (or their representative) must agree to the study rules and follow-up visits.
- Study lasts about 2 years.
- Participation involves follow-ups 90 days after the procedure.
- Study is conducted in two specific hospitals.