This study will see if having a community helper (navigator) can improve the health of pregnant women who don't have easy access to medical care. **540 pregnant women** will join before they're 20 weeks pregnant. They'll be split into two groups: one group gets regular care, and the other group gets help from a navigator. This navigator will check their health and teach them, meeting with them **3 times before birth and 5 times after birth**. The study will last until the baby is 1 year old. The study will check if this help reduces serious health problems for mothers. It will also see if it helps with unmet needs, stress, and attending doctor visits. Women will answer questions and their medical records will be reviewed. Everyone joining will be asked to give permission (consent) and will get something for their time (compensation). Their privacy will be protected.
- Study lasts until the baby is 12 months old.
- Participants will have 8 meetings with a navigator.
- Participants will be compensated for their time.
Only Black, English-speaking pregnant women 18 or older, who are covered by Medicaid and plan to give birth at Grady can join.