Down syndrome (DS) is a genetic condition that affects development in areas like movement, thinking, and talking. This study explores how movement practice can help infants with DS improve in these areas. We will look at two types of movement practice: gross motor (big movements like walking) and fine motor (small movements like grasping). We will have 45 infants with DS participate, divided into three groups. One group will focus on gross motor skills, like walking with support, starting at about 10 months old. Another group will do both gross and fine motor exercises, like using "sticky mittens" to help with grasping, also starting at 10 months old. The last group will start later, at about 20 months. We believe these practices will improve thinking and talking skills. Infants will be assessed using the Bayley scores, which measure development.
- Study Length: Participation lasts until the child starts walking, plus follow-ups at 5 months.
- Visits Needed: Home-based practices with parent guidance, no extra clinic visits required.
- Eligibility: Infants aged 7-24 months with DS, excluding those with severe medical issues.