Study Overview: This study is testing a medication called BLU-5937 to see if it helps people who have had a long-lasting cough, known as Refractory Chronic Cough (RCC), which hasn’t been cured by other treatments. A placebo-controlled study means some people will receive the actual medicine, while others will get a sugar pill (placebo) to compare the effects.
Study Details: Participants will be involved for 24 weeks (about 6 months). The study is "double-blind," which means neither the participants nor the researchers know who gets the actual medicine or the placebo. The main goal is to see if the medicine can reduce coughing over a full day after 24 weeks.
- Eligibility: You must have had a persistent cough for at least one year. Women who can have children must use effective birth control during the trial and for 14 days after.
- Exclusions: You cannot participate if you smoke, have certain lung diseases, or have had a serious illness or infection recently.
- Risks/Benefits: Taking part in this study could help find better treatments for chronic cough, but there might be unknown risks with the new medicine.