This study is testing a medicine called **CSL300 (Clazakizumab)** in adults with **ESKD** (End-Stage Kidney Disease) who get dialysis. Dialysis is a treatment that helps clean your blood when your kidneys don’t work well. The study has two parts. In the first part, they will test different doses of CSL300 to find the best one. In the second part, they will see if CSL300 helps with heart health and is safe for people who have heart problems or diabetes with inflammation. Inflammation means your body is swollen and hurts inside.
Inclusion Criteria: You can join if you’re 18 or older, have been on dialysis for at least 12 weeks, have certain blood test results, and have diabetes or heart disease. Exclusion Criteria: You cannot join if you have used certain medicines, have certain diseases, or have a life-threatening illness.
- This study will take place in multiple locations, so you might need to travel.
- You will not know if you are getting CSL300 or a placebo (fake medicine).
- Check with your doctor if you have any concerns about your health conditions.