This study is testing a medicine called Tigulixostat to see if it helps people with gout, a type of arthritis that causes pain and swelling in the joints. Gout often happens when there is too much uric acid in the blood, known as hyperuricemia. The study will last for 6 months, and some patients will receive the real medicine while others will get a placebo, a harmless pill that looks the same. This is called a double-blind study, meaning neither the doctors nor the patients know who gets the real medicine. The study is for people aged 18-85 who either are or are not on other uric acid-lowering treatments. Participants must not have had a recent gout attack or certain other health problems.
- Length: The study lasts 6 months with regular check-ins.
- Visits: Participants will need to visit the study center multiple times.
- Risks: There may be side effects or no benefit from the medicine.