This study is for couples where both partners smoke (dual-smoker couples, DSCs). The aim is to help them quit smoking by using Financial Incentive Treatments (FITs). FITs are rewards given for quitting smoking. The study checks if offering these rewards to both partners (DFIT) or just one (SFIT) is more effective. All participants get usual care, including Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), which helps reduce withdrawal symptoms. Couples will be monitored for a year with remote check-ins at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months.
- Study Duration: 1 year, with several check-ins.
- Compensation: Up to $600 for quitting smoking.
- Eligibility: Both partners must be 18+, smoke 5+ cigarettes daily, and be in a long-term romantic relationship.
If interested, you should be ready to attend remote sessions and not have any recent major health issues or use certain substances like marijuana or e-cigarettes regularly. This study aims to find the best ways to help couples quit smoking together. Participants might receive financial rewards for not smoking and will gain access to support resources.