Pazopanib is a medicine being tested to see if it can help people with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT), a condition causing frequent nosebleeds and anemia (a low number of red blood cells). This study will check if taking Pazopanib daily for 24 weeks can make nosebleeds less severe. Patients will either get the real medicine or a placebo (a sugar pill), without knowing which one they are taking. They will be checked for nosebleed severity and blood loss to ensure safety. If successful, patients may join an Extension Study to continue using the real medicine for another 24 weeks.
- Study lasts 24 weeks, with a possible additional 24 weeks in the extension study.
- Requires regular visits and checks for safety and effectiveness.
- Participants must have stable anemia due to HHT and agree to not start new treatments during the study.
Eligible candidates need a confirmed or probable diagnosis of HHT. Exclusion criteria include recent major surgeries, uncontrolled high blood pressure, or significant heart problems. Safety and effectiveness are key focuses throughout the study.