Study Purpose: This research will look at how healthy adults' immune systems respond to the flu vaccine. The flu is a serious illness, and the vaccine, which contains a dead virus, helps the body's immune system fight it.
Study Process: Participants will receive a regular flu shot approved by the FDA. Blood and bone marrow samples will be taken at different times (7 days, 28 days, 90 days, and 1 year after the shot) to see how well their immune system responds.
- Participation lasts up to one year and involves several visits for sample collection.
- This study takes place at Emory University and seeks up to 90 healthy volunteers.
- Participants' samples are used for immune system research, not for genetic testing.
To be part of the study, volunteers must be healthy adults who can give consent. Pregnant or nursing women, prisoners, and people who can't make decisions easily cannot join. Volunteers will be kept anonymous using unique tracking numbers for their samples.