Study Overview: This study aims to see if a 6-week online video program can help people with memory loss and their caregivers to sleep better. People with memory loss often have trouble sleeping, which can affect their health and mood. This program teaches skills to improve sleep without using medicine, which can have side effects. The program is called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBTi). It involves learning new ways to sleep better, like relaxation techniques and sleep routines.
Study Details: Participants will take part in video sessions from their homes. Both the person with memory loss and their caregiver need to join. Interviews will be conducted to see if people like the program and find it helpful.
- The study lasts for 6 weeks.
- It's done through videoconferencing, so you can participate from home.
- Participants will be asked about their experiences with the program.
Eligibility: The person with memory loss should have Alzheimer's or a related condition and some sleep problems. Their caregiver should be at least 18 years old and have some sleep issues too. Certain people, like those with severe memory problems or who don't understand English, cannot join.