Study Overview: The PURSUIT project aims to help women Veterans with urinary incontinence (UI). UI means having trouble controlling your bladder. The study wants to find the best way to offer treatment without surgery using phone or computer technology. Researchers will compare two methods to see which helps better: one using a toolkit with mobile health (mHealth) technology and another adding education on how healthcare providers can help.
Participation Details: The study is happening in Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina. Researchers will work with 50 clinics to test these methods. They plan to reach about 50,000 women Veterans, and hope 2,500 will join. To join, you need to be a woman Veteran, speak English, have UI, and have internet access. If you’re pregnant or recently had a baby, you can’t join.
- The study will be conducted in various clinics across 3 states.
- Participants will use a mobile app or online resources for treatment.
- Women who are pregnant or recently gave birth cannot participate.