This study is designed to see if a new medicine called NRCT-101SR works and is safe for teenagers aged 13-17 with ADHD, or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD can make it hard to focus or control behavior. In this study, some teens will take NRCT-101SR, while others will get a placebo, a "fake" pill that looks like the medicine but doesn't have any active ingredients. This will help scientists compare the effects of the medicine versus no medicine.
The study lasts about 6 weeks, and participants might have the option to continue for another 6 weeks. During the study, teens will take math tests and fill out behavior checklists to see if the medicine helps with ADHD symptoms.
- The study involves regular visits and tests over 6 weeks.
- Participants can choose to continue for another 6 weeks.
- There might be some blood tests for certain participants.
To join, teens must meet specific criteria, like having a confirmed ADHD diagnosis and not having other serious health problems or recent substance use issues. Teens with a history of severe mental health conditions or certain medical issues won't be able to join.