Improving Safety and Quality of Tracheal Intubation Practice in Pediatric ICUs means making the process of helping children breathe easier in hospitals safer and better. Tracheal intubation is when a tube is placed in the windpipe to help a child breathe. This study focuses on pediatric intensive care units (PICU), cardiac intensive care units (CICU), neonatal intensive care units (NICU), emergency departments (ED), and delivery rooms (DR) to see how they handle these situations.
The study is part of a group called NEAR4KIDS, which works with different hospitals to share and compare their results to improve practices. Researchers will collect information about current practices to see how they can be improved. This means looking at how often things go right or wrong and learning from it.
- The study involves collecting and comparing data from various hospitals.
- Your child must undergo certain airway procedures in specific hospital areas to be part of the study.
- Procedures done in Operating Suites are not included in the study.