Reparixin for ARDS Study
This study is for adults with a lung condition called Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). ARDS makes it hard to breathe, and patients often need a machine to help. The study wants to see if a drug called reparixin can help these patients recover faster by reducing lung damage and swelling throughout the body. Some patients will get reparixin, and others will get a placebo (a fake drug that doesn’t do anything), and nobody will know who gets what, including the doctors. This is called a double-blinded study. The treatment lasts for 14 days, but it might be extended to 21 days. The study will follow patients for up to 60 days. Patients must be over 18 and already using a breathing machine to join. They should not have certain other serious health issues or be part of another clinical trial.
- The study treatment lasts between 14 and 21 days.
- Patients will receive reparixin or a placebo.
- Participation requires being on a mechanical ventilator and meeting specific health criteria.