Tadalafil Therapy Study for COPD-PH
This study is testing if the drug tadalafil can help with shortness of breath in 126 Veterans with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and high blood pressure in the lungs. In COPD, it's hard to breathe because of damaged lungs. Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) is when blood pressure in the lungs is high, making it even harder to breathe. Tadalafil might help by improving the way lungs work and making it easier to breathe. Participants will get either tadalafil or a look-alike pill with no medicine (placebo), and neither they nor the doctors will know who gets which. The study lasts 6 months, with check-ins at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 months to watch for side effects and track progress.
- The study lasts 6 months with multiple check-ins.
- Participants will take daily pills but won't know if it's the real drug or placebo.
- Researchers will check for improvements in breathing and overall health.