This study aims to explore how aging and stress affect memory and navigation skills. As we age, we may struggle with remembering and planning routes to places. Stress can make this harder. In this study, participants are divided into two groups: one experiences stress, and the other does not. Both groups will try a new virtual navigation task. This task helps researchers see if stress makes it hard for people to think ahead and leads them to rely on habits instead. Researchers will use brain imaging and behavior tests to learn more about this.
- Study Duration: Several group sessions at Georgia Tech.
- Eligibility: Age 65-80, U.S. citizens or permanent residents, fluent in English.
- Compensation: Participants may be compensated for their time and travel.
Participants must be healthy, without conditions like epilepsy, dementia, or heart issues. This study is crucial for understanding how stress and aging affect our brain's ability to plan and navigate.