The study involves up to 1,028 women who will have a special breast scan called KBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography). This scan is done after a regular mammogram, but before any biopsy, if needed. A biopsy is a small tissue sample taken to check for cancer. The KBCT scan gives a 3D picture of the breast, which helps doctors see it better. The scan uses x-rays, like a regular mammogram, but in a different way to get a clearer image. This study is only for women aged 40 and up, or 30 and up if they have a breast problem. Men are not included because male breast cancer is rare.
- The study lasts until the KBCT scan is completed, usually within 4 weeks after your mammogram.
- Participants will have one additional x-ray scan, which may involve some extra radiation.
- Women must be able to lay on their stomachs for the scan and cannot be pregnant or breastfeeding.
Doctors will review the KBCT images to decide if further checks are needed. This study aims to improve breast cancer screening. If you join, you'll help create better ways to find breast cancer early.