This study is testing a new version of a drug called metaxalone to see if it helps with low back and leg pain. Metaxalone is a type of medicine that helps relax muscles. The study includes people aged 18 to 80 who have recently started having back or leg pain. Participants will be split into two groups: one taking the actual medicine and the other taking a placebo (a substance that looks like the medicine but has no active ingredients). This is a double-blind study, meaning neither the participants nor the researchers know who is getting the real drug or the placebo, to ensure fair results.
Participants will answer surveys on the first day and again after seven days about their pain levels, how pain affects their activities, and their sleep quality.
- Study Duration: One week with surveys on Day 1 and Day 7.
- Eligibility: Must have a pain score of 6 or higher and no other muscle relaxant use.
- Risks: Cannot use other pain relievers or certain medicines like cimetidine.
Consider if you fit the eligibility criteria and are comfortable with the study conditions before deciding to participate.