This study checks if a medicine called **EN3835** can help treat a condition called Plantar Fibromatosis (PFI), also known as Ledderhose disease. PFI is a problem where lumps form on the bottom of your feet, which can hurt a lot. In this study, some people will get the real medicine, and others will get a placebo. A placebo is a "pretend" treatment that doesn't have any real medicine in it. This helps researchers see if the real medicine works better than nothing.
- The study is for people 18 years or older who can walk and have foot pain due to PFI.
- Participants should not use other medications to treat PFI pain during the study.
- Women must not be pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant during the study.
This study is important because it might find a new way to help people with painful feet. However, you must meet specific health requirements and agree to follow the rules for the study. If you join, the study will look at how safe the medicine is and if it helps reduce foot pain.