The study is testing a new kind of eye shield used after eye surgery. An eye shield is a cover or guard that protects your eye after surgery. This new shield uses a different kind of sticky part to stay on your face, unlike the usual ones. The study wants to find out if this new shield is better and if people like it more.
There will be 20 patients, all having cataract surgery. This is a surgery where a cloudy lens in the eye is replaced with a clear artificial one. After the first surgery on one eye, patients will use either the new shield or a regular plastic one. They will wear the shield for 24 hours and then at night for 2 weeks. After healing, they will have surgery on the other eye and use the opposite shield they used first. At the end, patients will fill a survey about their experience with both shields.
- The study lasts about 3 months for each patient.
- Patients should be 18 years or older and having both eyes operated on within 3 months.
- Some surgeries and pregnancy make you not eligible for this study.