Pulsed Field Ablation (PFA) is a treatment for atrial fibrillation (AF), which is an irregular heartbeat. This study compares PFA with Anti-Arrhythmic Drugs (AAD), medications used to help control AF. People with persistent AF, meaning it lasts a long time, can join this study. A randomized study means participants are randomly chosen to receive either PFA or AAD treatment. PFA uses special tools to isolate parts of the heart to stop AF, while AAD uses medicine to manage it. If the medicine doesn't work well, the medicine dose might be increased or changed.
Key Points:
- The study is designed to compare the effectiveness and safety of PFA versus AAD as the first treatment.
- Participants will be randomly assigned to either PFA or AAD group, with monitoring throughout the study.
- Some people may need to have an additional heart monitor placed under their skin during the study.
Participants must be at least 18 years old and able to give consent. The study excludes those who have recently used certain heart medications or have specific heart conditions. This study can help determine the best first treatment for people with persistent AF.