The study is about testing a new **MRI contrast agent** called MT218, which helps doctors see prostate cancer better on scans. MRI stands for _Magnetic Resonance Imaging_, a type of scan that uses magnets and radio waves to take pictures inside your body. This study is for men with advanced prostate cancer, who are scheduled for surgery to remove the prostate (this surgery is called a _radical prostatectomy_). The researchers want to see if MT218 is safe and how well it works compared to standard scanning methods. They will compare it with regular MRI and other scans like PSMA PET/CT, which are used to see prostate cancer. To be in the study, you must be over 18, have a specific type of prostate cancer, and be able to stay still during the scan. You cannot join if you have certain other health issues or have had recent surgeries.
- The study involves getting an MRI scan with a special injection (MT218).
- Participants must meet specific health criteria to be eligible.
- This research aims to improve how doctors detect aggressive prostate cancer.