Study Overview: This study is about a special group of tiny babies who are born very early or weigh very little. The Generic Database (GDB) collects information about these babies and their mothers to understand their health and the treatments they receive. The data helps researchers find patterns and improve care for these infants.
The babies included in this study are born at NICHD Neonatal Research Network (NRN) centers and have a birth weight between 401-1000 grams (less than a bag of flour!) or are born very early, at less than 29 weeks of pregnancy. The study observes and records details like the mother's health, the birth process, and the baby's health and outcomes.
- Study Length: Data are collected until the baby is discharged or in the case of an unfortunate event.
- Visits: No extra visits are needed; all data is collected during regular hospital care.
- Consent: Parents must agree for their baby's data to be used.
Note: Participation is voluntary, and no specific treatments are tested in this study.