This study is testing a new medicine called BMS-986446 for people with early Alzheimer's Disease, a condition that affects memory and thinking. The medicine is an Anti-MTBR Tau Monoclonal Antibody, which is a special type of protein that might help stop or slow down changes in the brain. The study will check how well the medicine works, if it's safe, and if people can handle taking it. People who can join the study must have mild memory problems or mild Alzheimer's and be able to do some memory tests. They can't have other conditions that affect memory, or problems with certain medical tests like PET or MRI scans. The study is looking for certain test scores, like a GDS (Geriatric Depression Scale) score less than 8. If you're interested in participating, discuss with your doctor to see if you qualify and if it's a good fit for you.
- The study involves regular visits to the doctor for assessments.
- Participants will receive the study medicine.
- There are eligibility criteria that must be met to join.