This study is for people with sickle cell disease (SCD), a blood disorder that can cause pain and other health problems. It's for patients who have already been taking a medicine called crizanlizumab in a previous study sponsored by Novartis and are benefiting from it. A "rollover study" means patients continue getting the same treatment without a break. Patients don't need to start from scratch or go through new tests. They will keep taking crizanlizumab as they did before, every 28 days. After stopping treatment, there will be a follow-up visit after 105 days to check on their health. The study may continue for up to 10 years, or until the medicine becomes widely available. Not everyone can join; patients must have completed the previous study successfully and still need the treatment. Pregnant women or those planning to become pregnant can't participate.
- The study could last up to 10 years or until the medicine is widely available.
- Participants must have completed a prior study with crizanlizumab.
- Pregnancy and participation in other studies are not allowed.