Study Summary: This study looks at how a test called EsoGuard, used with a device named EsoCheck, influences doctors' decisions to recommend a procedure called an upper endoscopy. An endoscopy is a test where a doctor uses a camera to look inside your throat and stomach. The study also checks if people follow through with the doctor's recommendation for the endoscopy, especially if their EsoGuard test is positive, meaning it might show signs of a condition called Barrett's Esophagus (BE).
Eligibility: To join, you must be selected for BE screening using EsoCheck/EsoGuard based on guidelines from 2022. If you don't fit these guidelines or cannot agree in writing to join, you cannot participate.
- Study involves real-world data and does not involve new treatments.
- Participants should be able to complete follow-ups.
- There is no mention of compensation for taking part.