Study Summary: This study looks at infants born with very low birth weight. These infants are born weighing less than most babies and are at high risk for health issues. The study checks how these babies are doing when they are about 2 years old. The researchers want to understand how being born early and small affects their brain and body development. It focuses on things like motor skills (moving and controlling their body), thinking and learning (cognitive skills), language, and behavior.
Neurodevelopmental means how the brain and nervous system grow and work. Neurosensory involves the senses, like seeing and hearing. Functional assessments check how well the baby can do everyday activities. The study also collects information about the mother's pregnancy and the baby's early life to see if these affect development.
- Visits happen when the child is 22-26 months old.
- Includes detailed checks of development and health.
- No extra medical treatment is given during the study.
Babies born at less than 27 weeks are eligible. The study helps improve care for future babies born early and small.