The Prehospital Airway Control Trial (PACT) is a study to test different ways of helping people breathe after serious injuries before they reach the hospital. The study will last for 5 years and involve 17 different emergency agencies. They will include 2,009 patients who need help breathing. There are two groups: one gets the usual care, and the other gets a special breathing tube called a supraglottic airway. The main goal is to see how many people survive for 24 hours. They will also look at how many people survive until they leave the hospital, and check for things like lung infections and time spent on ventilators. The study will only include people with serious injuries and who need an advanced airway, but not children under 15, pregnant women, or prisoners. If you or your family object at the scene, you will not be included in the study.
- Study Length: 5 years
- Participants: 2,009 trauma patients
- Exclusions: Under 15, pregnant, prisoners