This study aims to test the **Cordio HearO System**, which collects voice recordings to help monitor heart health. It is an **observational study**, meaning researchers watch and collect data without changing your treatment. The study has **two periods**: the Run-In period, where patients send daily recordings, and the Core period, where patients continue this for up to 24 months or until the study ends.
Participants must be at least 22 years old with **Chronic Heart Failure** (NYHA II-IVa), a condition where the heart doesn’t pump blood as well as it should. They also need a history of hospitalization or treatments for heart issues or have a certain level of NTProBNP, a blood marker for heart failure. Some people can't join, such as those who had recent major heart events or cannot use the study app daily.
- The study lasts up to 24 months per patient.
- Daily voice recordings are required.
- No treatment is provided; it's for data collection only.