The FLEX Registry is a study designed for patients with stage I to III breast cancer. It will collect data from about 30,000 patients across the United States. If you have had MammaPrint and BluePrint tests, you can join. These tests help understand the genes in your breast cancer. Your doctor will decide your treatment based on approved guidelines. This study will gather information at different times, like when you join, during treatment, and several years after diagnosis (1, 3, 5, and 10 years). The goal is to learn more about how genes affect cancer and improve future treatments. Participation is voluntary, and your treatment plan will not be changed by being in the study.
- Study involves different time points: enrollment, treatment, and follow-up at 1, 3, 5, and 10 years.
- No changes to your treatment; it's decided by your doctor using approved methods.
- Participants must have stage I-III breast cancer and have had MammaPrint testing.