This study is for people with spinal cord injury (SCI). A spinal cord injury is when the nerves in your spine are damaged, which can affect movements like walking. Researchers want to see if combining motor skill training (MST) with transcutaneous spinal stimulation (TSS) can help improve walking, balance, strength, and reduce spasticity, which is when muscles are stiff or tight.
Participants will be involved for four weeks. In the first two weeks, you'll do exercise sessions. In the last two weeks, you'll be put into one of two groups: one doing MST with TSS, and the other doing MST with a fake TSS (shamTSS). There will be three testing sessions to check progress.
- **Study Duration**: 4 weeks with 12 exercise sessions.
- **Eligibility**: Must be 18-70 years old with specific spinal cord injuries.
- **Risks**: Pregnant women or people with certain health issues can't join.
If you meet the criteria and are interested, this study could help improve your walking and overall function.