FOCUS is a study looking at a new drug called solriamfetol, which might help adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a condition that makes it hard to pay attention and control impulses. The study is Phase 3, which means it is testing the drug in a large group of people. It is randomized (participants are randomly assigned to different groups), double-blind (neither participants nor researchers know who is getting the actual drug), and placebo-controlled (some people will get a sugar pill that does nothing). Participants will take either 150 mg or 300 mg of solriamfetol, or a placebo, once a day for 6 weeks.
- Study lasts for 6 weeks.
- Participants must be adults (ages 18-55) diagnosed with ADHD.
- Those who have taken solriamfetol before cannot join.
If you join, you must agree in writing and be able to follow study rules. If you have already tried solriamfetol or if the study could be harmful to you, you cannot participate.