Management of the PDA Trial aims to find the best way to care for premature babies with a problem called symptomatic patent ductus arteriosus (sPDA). This is when a blood vessel in the heart, which should close after birth, stays open. The study compares two ways of managing sPDA: active treatment and expectant management. Active treatment may involve giving medicines like indomethacin or ibuprofen, or possibly surgery. Expectant management means waiting and watching, only treating if problems occur.
The study involves newborns between 48 hours and 21 days old who were born 22 to 28 weeks early. The study’s main goal is to see how many babies survive or develop bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) by 36 weeks after birth.
- The study is conducted at multiple centers, so location may vary.
- Participants may receive different treatments based on their group and condition.
- Risks include side effects from medications or procedures.