This study is testing a medicine called lunsekimig to see if it helps adults with moderate-to-severe asthma. Asthma is a lung problem that makes it hard to breathe. The study is randomized (participants are randomly chosen for treatment), double-blind (neither doctors nor participants know who gets the real medicine or a placebo, which is a fake treatment), and placebo-controlled (compares real drug to placebo). Participants should be 18-80 years old and have had asthma for at least a year. They must already be on certain asthma medicines. The study will check how safe and effective lunsekimig is when added to their current treatment.
- The study involves several visits to the clinic over time.
- Participants will not know if they are receiving lunsekimig or a placebo.
- Some risks include asthma worsening or side effects from the medicine.