Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Pediatric Pulmonary Invasive Mold Infections
This study aims to find a way to diagnose lung (pulmonary) fungal infections in children without surgery or invasive tests. Fungal infections can be serious, especially for kids who are already sick. The study focuses on children who have had certain medical treatments or conditions like stem cell transplants, bone marrow issues, or immune system problems. For this study, kids will need to have certain signs on their chest X-rays or scans, like spots or shadows on the lungs.
Eligibility: Children older than 120 days and younger than 22 years with specific health conditions are eligible. They need to have permission from their parents or guardians and agree to participate. Kids who weigh less than 3 kg or have been in the study before cannot join.
- Study is non-invasive, meaning no surgery is needed.
- Participants must show specific lung changes in recent scans.
- Parental consent and child assent are required.