Purpose: This study is for people who have had a Stem Cell Transplant (SCT). A stem cell transplant is a procedure that replaces unhealthy cells in your body with new ones. This study looks at patients who might develop Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease (cGVHD), a condition where the new cells attack the body. The study will collect data to understand more about this condition.
Eligibility: To join, you must be 18 years or older and have had an allogeneic SCT (this means the new cells came from a donor) 90 to 180 days ago. You should be able to understand and sign a consent form and complete questionnaires, possibly with some help.
Participation: There are no specific exclusions for this study, meaning most who meet the criteria can join.
- Study involves observation and data collection; no treatment is provided.
- No specific visits or treatments are required.
- No compensation is mentioned for participation.