This study is for people with pulmonary fibrosis, a lung disease that makes it hard to breathe. It includes those who completed another study with the medicine BI 1015550. The goal is to see if BI 1015550 is safe and helps lungs work better over time. Participants will take the medicine as tablets for nearly 2 years and can continue their usual treatments. Regular doctor visits and lung tests are part of the study.
Inclusion criteria include having completed a previous study with BI 1015550 and agreeing to use effective birth control if applicable. Exclusion criteria include having certain health risks like severe depression or plans for a lung transplant.
- The study lasts for up to 22 months.
- Regular doctor visits and tests are required.
- Participants can continue their usual treatments for pulmonary fibrosis.
This study aims to ensure the long-term safety and effectiveness of BI 1015550 for people with pulmonary fibrosis.