This study is for women to compare two heart procedures that fix blocked arteries. One procedure uses a balloon and a stent, a tiny wire tube, to open the artery through a small cut in the wrist or groin. The other procedure is open-heart surgery, where healthy blood vessels from other parts of the body are used to go around the block, like a detour. The study will look at how these procedures affect life span and quality of life. It will last between 5 to 10 years with follow-up calls at 30 days, 3 months, 6 months, and every 6 months until 36 months, then once a year. Participants need to be women aged 18 or older with certain heart conditions, able to give consent, and follow the study rules. Some conditions may prevent participation, like recent heart attacks or pregnancy. The study is not for those who cannot follow medication rules or are in another study.
- Study Length: 5-10 years with regular follow-ups
- Procedures Compared: Balloon and stent vs. open-heart surgery
- Eligibility: Women 18+, certain heart conditions, able to follow instructions