The PERSEVERE Study is testing two ways to treat a serious lung problem called a pulmonary embolism (PE), where a blood clot blocks blood flow in the lungs. This study compares a new treatment, the FlowTriever System, to the usual care. To join, you must be at least 18 years old and have a high-risk PE with specific heart measurements. The study aims to start treatment within 4 hours of joining. You need to agree to be in the study, or your legal representative can agree for you.
If you've had a recent stroke or surgery, have certain medical conditions, or are part of a vulnerable group (like being pregnant), you can't join. Also, if you've had similar treatments recently, you might not be able to participate.
- Participants must be ready for treatment within 4 hours.
- Cannot join if you've had recent stroke or surgery.
- Must agree to be part of the study.