This study is looking at how well a medicine called **AR882** works in people with *gout*, which is a kind of arthritis caused by too much *uric acid* in the blood. People in the study will take either AR882 or a *placebo* (a pill with no medicine) for 12 months. The study will see if AR882 can lower uric acid levels safely. To join, you must have had gout before and at least 2 gout attacks in the past year. You must weigh at least 50 kg (about 110 pounds). If you are not taking medicine to lower uric acid, your uric acid levels must be 7 mg/dL or higher. If you are taking such medicine, your levels must be over 6 mg/dL. Your kidneys should be working well, which is checked by a blood test. You cannot join if you had cancer in the last 5 years (except some skin cancers), are pregnant or breastfeeding, or had kidney stones recently.
- The study lasts for 12 months.
- Participants will take medication or placebo.
- Kidney and uric acid levels will be monitored.